Dr. Ahmed Haddad: Treaties and Political Matters are performative to the Ruler only
- 2020-Aug-28
Ahmed Al-Haddad, a member of the UAE Sharia Council, affirmed that treaties and political matters are within the jurisdiction of the ruler only, as he is the one who sees them and signs them and no one else. For his leadership is general and no one has the right to revoke his rulership.
This came in his speech at the virtual seminar organized by the World Muslim Communities Council, today, Wednesday, August 26, 2020, under the title 'Religious Leaderships and Their Role in Promoting Peace', on the Zoom app and the council's social media sites.
Dr. Ahmed Al-Haddad referred to the high status of scholars and jurists in Islam, explaining that human beings are imperfect, because perfection is achieved in scholars, and this what indicates that following scholars' guidance is crucial, in terms of sharia laws and conducts. And that the nation is concerned with asking them about religious and worldly matters, to achieve the pleasure of God. In addition to their great responsibility in the goodness of the nation or its loss, if they lost the way.
Al Haddad enumerated six characteristics that religious leaders must possess, which is to verify their competence to set an example, as competence is primal the criterion for successful leadership. Secondly, to be aware of the responsibility before God Almighty and before people. Thirdly, to know the reality of the nation and what works for it. Fourth to combine the word of Muslims, and unite them. Fifth, apply flexible Sharia rules on debatable issues. Sixth characteristic is to consider contemporary sciences and seeks scientific development.
The member of the UAE Sharia Council called for taking into account the reality in light of the flexible texts that can contain the reality and developments. He said that there are those who load the religious texts with what they cannot tolerate, which creates a wrong image of Islam. He stressed the need to return to the Doctrines of jurisprudence, as it unifies the word of Muslims and unites them.