About Council

More than half a billion Muslims live in a religious and humane minority in multicultural, religious and ethnic countries. As the challenges facing Muslim societies in non-Muslim countries grow as geopolitical developments such as wars, political crises, or intellectual challenges such as extremism spread, or when parties characterized by racism and hatred of the other dominate the political landscape, consequently there is a growing need to develop mechanisms to spread the culture of pride in the national affiliation and activating the values of the social contract in order to achieve the integration of these communities in their environments, protect them intellectually and spiritually and lastly to protect them from racial discrimination or ethnic cleansing. In order to consolidate the elements of the national affiliation as the defense of national unity and stability, became an urgent need to start the pursuit of a pioneering global initiative to promote the concept of citizenship and its values among the members of Muslim communities as an essential component in the development of their countries and to correct the stereotypical image of Islam and Muslims, and to ensure their natural rights to practice their religious rituals according to the international content of the rights of religious and ethnic minorities, thus guaranteeing the right of societies to cultural and religious pluralism. In order to achieve this, and based on the cultural message of the United Arab Emirates aimed at spreading the culture of peace to achieve community security, and inspired by its pioneering international initiatives to promote the values of coexistence and mutual respect among the peoples of the world, and to promote tolerance and dialogue between followers of religions and cultures, held by international and Islamic organizations on the subject of Muslim societies, and in response to the demands of many leaders of institutions of Muslim communities in non-Muslim countries, Abu Dhabi is launching a global institutional initiative for the World Council of Muslim Communities to be an institutional entity that enhances the role of Muslims and elevates their practice in their societies as well as international forums.


The Idea

The World Muslim Communities Council is an expert house for the rationalization of the working organizations and associations in Muslim society thorough changing their culture and improving their performance in order to achieve one goal, which is the integration of Muslim societies in their countries in a way that achieves the national greatness and fully affiliation for the Islamic religion.

The first of this target is to liberate Muslims in Muslim societies from the affiliation of streams, intellectual and jurisprudential movements and political parties that cross national borders and prevents their integration into their new societies and in the countries of their nationality, furthermore, keeps them strangers from their own countries, related to the dreams, illusions, problems and crises of countries and societies that have nothing to do with them.


The resettlement of Islam where Muslims live to achieve harmony between commitment to religion and belonging to the homeland.


Achieving intellectual and cultural change in Muslim societies in different countries of the world by making Muslims builders of civilization, advocates of peace and pioneer of tolerance, coexistence and giving.

Strategic Goals

1- Strengthen coordination between institutions active in Muslim communities in their countries, exchange experiences among them and coordinate with government institutions, international and local organizations to serve their mission. 

2- Consolidating the concepts of religious, ethnic and cultural pluralism and respecting privacy of Muslim societies in a way that preserves human dignity and respect its doctrine, furthermore, achieving cooperation and solidarity in the interests of nations, establishing the values of moderation, dialogue, tolerance and belonging to Homelands through contributing to the elimination of religious intolerance, anti-Semitism and Islam.

3- The consolidation of a religious discourse that helps empowering individuals in Muslim societies to reconcile the requirements of belonging to religion and the duties of belonging to the homeland in order to promote the values of good citizenship; with particular importance to women, youth and children.

4- Immunizing Muslim societies in their countries from the danger of extremist religious thought by training the activation of academic, professional, electronic and media mechanisms to correct stereotypes about Islam and Muslim communities.


*Belonging to nationalities

*Community peace

*Positive Tolerance

*Effective coexistence

*Human tenderness

*Cultural Effectiveness 


The goal of the Council is to resettle Islam where Muslims are located in order to promote Muslim societies to think, innovate and provide new solutions suited to their environments, conditions and the requirements of their lives in their countries, furthermore, to follow the tradition of former Muslims who founded Muslim communities in India, Indonesia, Malaysia and sub-Saharan Africa. All of these countries were once like Muslim communities in Sweden, Canada and Australia ... But Muslims at that time were not affiliated with any political, juristic or social entity outside their homeland.

Work Philosophy

* The Council adopts a positive approach to achieve its goals. It cares not about quantity or number, but on how and the quality. It starts by cooperating and working with successful experiences, supporting them, strengthening them and providing them with all possible means to mature and be a role model in order to be used in other societies.

*The Council's goal is to resettle Islam in its new societies; it therefore prefers to deal with organizations, institutions and associations led by the indigenous people of those communities who have converted to Islam or inherited it from their parents and ancestors for centuries because they are best able to carry out the task of resettling Islam and integrating Muslims. 

* The Council does not adopt a specific law doctrine, nor does it call for a particular belief. Rather, it is keen to ensure that Muslim societies are free to choose their belief, which is commensurate with their historical backgrounds and the sectarian background of the majority of Muslims. The Council categorically rejects the preaching of jurisprudential or ideological doctrines and rejects in the strongest possible terms the evangelization of political, partisan, sectarian or ethnic ideologies. 

* The Council avoids dealing with organizations, institutions and associations that are associated with political or sectarian parties. It calls with great force to distance Muslims from this kind of organization and association because it was and still the reason in distorting the image of Islam and impeding the integration of Muslims in their countries and their survival for nearly a century on the margins of their communities and their countries. 


*Reform of religious education.
*Governance of Islamic Institutions.
*The establishment of a new jurisprudence stems from the privacy of societies.
*Training and qualifying national religious leaderships.
*Producing a knowledge that entrenches the values of tolerance, coexistence and citizenship.


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