TWMCC Organises Ramadan Online Lecture: 'Relationship Between Ramadan and the Holy Quran'

  • 2025-Mar-04

The World Muslim Communities Council (TWMCC) organised a virtual lecture entitled 'The Relationship Between the Month of Ramadan and the Holy Quran', delivered by Sheikh Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Ismail, Secretary General of the Association of British Scholars, as part of TWMCC’s lecture series.

Sheikh Mohammad Ismail discussed the virtues of the month of Ramadan, noting that the Prophet Mohammed ﷺ used to prepare Muslims for its arrival as early as the month of Sha‘ban, thereby underscoring the significance of this blessed period.

He further explained that Ramadan presents a splendid opportunity for self-improvement, as well as a time to empathise with the plight of the poor and the hungry around the world. He affirmed that the spirituality of fasting is profound and that Allah, the Exalted, has reserved His reward exclusively for Himself in view of His immense stature.

Citing a number of prophetic and sacred traditions that highlight the importance of fasting, he clarified that the fasting individual receives a unique reward that draws them nearer to Allah. 

He also touched upon Laylat-al-Qadr, emphasising that it is one of the greatest nights of the year, with the performance of good deeds on that night equivalent to 85 years of virtuous actions. It is the night when blessings and mercies descend, and on which the Holy Quran was revealed.

Furthermore, he stressed the importance of reading the Holy Quran during Ramadan, asserting that those who engage with it with an open heart will be guided by Allah to the straight path. He explained that Allah has made the Quran a beacon for humanity and a standard by which truth is measured against falsehood, continuously calling for the truth and pointing towards the Hereafter.


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